Have you ever wondered about the benefits of balancing your hormones naturally?
Do you know the connection between mastering the menopause period and preserving strong bone?
Did you know that menopause doesn't have to be an uncomfortable inconvenience, but a time of new health opportunities?
Then don't miss out on our newest episode!
Joining us today to explore mastering the menopause transition is Dr. Sharon Stills.
Episode Timeline
0:00 - Episode start
2:28 - Dr. Sharon Stills journey
6:13 - How should women be preparing for menopause?
13:01 - What tests do you use for testing hormone levels?
17:03 - How do you define menopause?
18:12 - Tell me about your RED program
26:13 - How menopause can impact our bones and how to best prevent bone loss during the transition
28:05 - What is your preferred method of delivery for Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy
31:55 - The Mastering the Menopause Transition Summit
35:23 - Where can people connect with Dr. Stills
Resources Mentioned
**Show notes @ http://bonecoach.com/dr-sharon-stills-mastering-menopause Dr Sharon Stills Mastering Menopause
You can find Dr. Sharon Still’s resources below:
Mastering The Menopause Transition Summit >> CLICK HERE to register for free! Menopause Dr Summits
Dr. Stills website >> https://drstills.com/ Dr Stills
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About Dr. Sharon Stills:
Dr. Sharon Stills is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor who helps perimenopausal and menopausal women to pause and evaluate life so they can live the second act of their story stronger, healthier, and sexier while aging backwards. Using her 20+ years of experience and extensive training and background in European Biological Medicine, anti-aging therapies, and Bio-identical Hormone Replacement, she has successfully helped thousands of women transition gently through the different stages of their lives with all natural methods.
Dr. Stills is passionate about spreading the word about her signature RED Hot Sexy Meno(pause) Program – the philosophy she developed for you to Reinvent your Health, Explore your Spirit and Discover YOUR Sexy so that you, too, can create and live the life you desire and deserve! She founded and ran one of the largest and most successful naturopathic clinics in the country for a decade and is the host of The Science Of Self Healing podcast.
She is an expert physician for Women’s Health Network and she educates other physicians as the Co-Lead North American lecturer for the Paracelsus Academy in Switzerland. Patients work with Dr. Stills in a variety of ways: through telemedicine consults and her life-changing retreats for individuals or small groups in healing and rejuvenating locations around the world. Some patients will even fly out to see her or fly her in just to get the chance to work with her one on one.