Dr. Robert Lufkin, MD is a physician and medical school professor at UCLA and USC. He specializes in the applied science of health, longevity, and consciousness, challenging traditional healthcare with evidence-based lifestyle modifications. Dr. Lufkin emphasizes the prevention and reversal of chronic diseases, fostering consciousness for a fulfilling life.
Apart from his medical practice, Dr. Lufkin is an accomplished author with over 200 peer-reviewed scientific papers and 14 books in six languages. His latest work, "Lies I Taught In Medical School," is set to release in June 2024.
As a renowned speaker, he has delivered lectures and keynotes globally, earning recognition as one of the '100 Most Creative People in Los Angeles' by Buzz Magazine. Dr. Lufkin's accolades include presidencies in the Society of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and the American Society of Head and Neck Radiology. He holds several patents in artificial intelligence, notably the "Lufkin Needle," a globally utilized MR-compatible biopsy needle.
Dr. Lufkin, a Brown University computer science graduate and University of Virginia School of Medicine alumnus, currently serves as Adjunct Clinical Professor of Radiology at the USC Keck School of Medicine. His academic focus revolves around the applied science of longevity, and he holds the position of Chief of Metabolic Imaging at a prominent medical network in southern California.